Backgammon is thought to be the oldest game in the world

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Backgammon is thought to be the oldest game in the world, and archaeologists have found backgammon sets that day from as long ago as 3,000 BC. It's a classic game of chance combined with method, then choose how best to go and as you should roll dice. To read more, consider taking a glance at: free imei checker. The best thing about backgammon is the principles are simple to explain, but understanding the game may take an eternity. Unlike chess, the overall game can also be quick to grab and play, with games usually lasting only a few minutes.

Basically, there are two sides over a backgammon board, each with a dozen spaces, for an overall total of twenty-four spaces. These rooms are numbered from 1 to 24 in opposite directions for the 2 players, so player ones space 1 is player twos space 24, and so on. Varies depending on the guidelines getting used where each players counters (checkers) are placed, but a typical arrangement is three on 8, five on 6 and 13, and two on 24.

To start the sport, you each roll one-of the dice, and the person who moves the best gets the first change using the numbers from both dice. The principle is that every number is just a move, therefore if you roll a and a, you can move one checker six spaces and one checker one place.

That is where it begins to have a little difficult, but stick with it. When youre selecting which checker to move and where, you've to take into account which movements are allowed. Your checkers can only move to spots that have no checkers, only your checkers, or only one of your opponents checkers you cannot move to any area that's two or more of your opponents checkers. Nevertheless, where your opponent has only 1 checker if you land on a place, you've taken it and could set it on the bar in the middle of the board. The bar counts as area zero for dice rolls, and prior to the the others may be any pieces there must be moved.

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