Beating Online Casinos Can You Win

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Casino online en vivo

There are many online gambling options, including slots, blackjack, poker and even bingo. Most if not all online gambling sites offer free play money as well as real money play options.
The question is often asked, do the online casinos run a fair game? Or do they entice customers by letting them win easily in play money mode and then change the odds once the customer switches over to the real money play option?
It would seem feasible that given these games are software based the odds could easily be manipulated. They most certainly could be if the site chose to do so, however this would not be a very good business model for any online gaming concern. Quite simply put, online gaming concerns don't need to cheat. Gambling itself, is inherently profitable to an online casino without cheating the customer.
In any gambling game the odds are always in the house's favor. In blackjack the average loss will be $5 per $100 bet. Slots $2 per every $100 bet. This doesn't seem like much but it adds up over the long term and all of these games are zero sum. Meaning given enough time a gambler will lose all of their money playing black jack, craps or slots given enough bets placed.
Anyone who says differently simply doesn't understand the math of odds and variance. Anyone who claims to have a fail safe system to beat a game is lying.
***A very select few gamblers can count cards at blackjack but it is rare and its fairly easy for a casino to notice and they will not let you continue playing.
There is one game that the house doesn't have an edge in and that is poker. In poker you are playing against other players, either losing to them or winning from them. That said the casino doesn't run poker games out of the goodness of their heart. They take a cut of each pot called the rake. In most online casinos this is in the area of 5% of each pot. That means in a never ending poker game with the same players seated at the table and nobody replenishing their money will eventually end with everyone at the table going broke. All the money will end up in the hands of the casino eventually.
So as you can see, given the math, an online casino has no need to cheat its players. Gambling itself is inherently already skewed towards the house and is not so to speak fair to the player to begin with.
For example, if you owned a online casino the most important thing to growing your business and remaining profitable would be to have a strong reputation and image. You would want your brand name to be known as being fair and having easy deposit and cash out methods. This would ensure gamblers who, even playing straight up unadulterated games of chance are gong to lose their money to you. You would have no reason to cheat them. You want them to keep depositing and losing at your site. Not only that, you want them referring their gambling buddies to your site as well. If you cheat them by skewing the games, word will get out and your customer base will evaportate. You will have killed the golden goose so to speak.
So not only do online casinos not need to cheat, most will even offer you bonus' to play on their site such as two to one deposit credits and other such promotions. They are able to do this because gambling is so profitable. If you deposit $100 to play blackjack why not give you $200 for your $100 deposit to build good will. The odds of blackjack are scewed against you anyway. Odds are that you will eventually lose the entire $200 it will just take a bit longer to do than just losing the orginal $100 you deposited. Again no reason for them to cheat or skew the game. Blackjack is already skewed.
That said recently the online poker community was rocked when the US Department Of Justice stepped in and seized the three largest poker sites, Cereus, Pokerstars and Full Tilt. These sites were shut down not because of cheating their players but because they were operating in the United States and did not have the right to do so under the current laws.
It was however discovered, after the shut down, that Full Tilt was operating what can only be described as a Ponzi Scheme. They did not have enough money on the books to repay the players accounts once the Department of Justice seized their accounts. They owed $150 million to players and only had about $30 million in their account. This isn't because they ran crooked games but because they were spending the funds they should have been holding in escrow to repay players. They just didn't expect to have to do so all at once.
So while its unlikely a gambling site will flat out skew the odds on their games it still isn't risk free to gamble online. For one the legality of it, at least in the US is a grey area at best. Another reason is these sites are not regulated meaning if the casino refuses to pay you for instance you really don't have a remedy to resolve it. You can't exactly trek down to Costa Rica where the sites offices are located and demand your money back if a site refuses to pay you.
So to summarize, its unlikely an online casino would cheat you by skewing the odds. Gambling online can be a fun and fairly cheap form of entertainment but in the US it is not advisable given its lack of over site. There are actions being taken to legalize at least online poker in the US in the near future.
So if you're worried about placing a fair bet then its advisable to wait until the government puts its stamp of approval on it and makes it legal. They will be able to oversee the sites and ensure they are being run fairly and that your funds are safe.

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