Can Eating More Often Actually Function As The Answer To Losing Weight?

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži
Everybody knows what a calorie is -- and everybody knows that the simplest way to lose excess weight would be to start eating fewer calories per day. Right? 

Well, not so fast...

The problem with this specific thought process is the body doesn't burn calories based on a 24-hour day. ...

It may look such as for instance a contradiction to declare that eating more often is the response to getting slimmer, but in fact the thought of eating more often is the only solution to increase weight reduction.

Everybody knows just what a calorie is -- and everyone knows the simplest way to lose weight is to start eating fewer calories each day. Right?

Well, not too fast...

The situation with this specific thought process is the body does not burn calories based on a 24 hour day. The truth is, the 24-hour day is merely an arbitrary interval of time, and it has no bearing on how your body burns calories how to lose weight fastest

You see, your body burns calories instantly -- or put simply it burns calories as you consume them (it doesn't burn calories centered on a 24-hour day).

Which means that your daily caloric intake is almost meaningless when viewed all on it's own.

For example, lets have a typical dieter who skips morning meal, but who then takes 900 calories for supper, 900 calories for lunch and 300 calories for a late night snack for a total of 2,100 calories each day.

This dieter incorrectly thinks that their consumption of 2,100 calories daily is the deciding factor in if they slim down or not however in truth the deciding factor is something absolutely different...

The deciding factor lies in how many calories that they eat per meal.

For instance, if that same dieter got those 2,100 calories per day and split them evenly into 6 meals (350 calories for 6 meals = 2,100 calories) -- then their body could be in a position to burn a lot more of those daily calories through the day.

Consequently, the dieter could really increase their fat loss results if they did this.

Exactly why is this true?

Simple, since your body burns calories as you eat them, and if you feed your body too many calories at any single sitting then a excess calories from that sitting can't get burned and might wind-up stored as fat tissue.

Nevertheless, if you eat fewer calories per sitting then your body features a better chance to burn up all of those calories, and if it burns all of the calories at any given meal then your body is likely to be forced to begin with burning saved fat tissue for any additional power that it might need before your next meal (which equals fat loss for the dieter).

So if you eat less calories per meal but boost the number of meals through the day, then you may start losing more weight while still eating the exact same number of calories per day (youll only be doing it using a larger number of meals each day).

Then when a dieter uses this technique of dieting the overall calories consumed each day would be the same, but yet the people body would be capable of more effectively burn up those calories on a per meal base and therefore the dieter may lose more weight each day.
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