Cheap Houses For Sale

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Cheap Houses For Sale

We found cheap houses for sale all over the country. I and my wife Ana were on a seven-week drive round the country. It absolutely was a holiday, but we looked at houses also, and bought one in an excellent little town in the hills of western Montana. It cost $17,500, and after $2000 to fix it up, we lived there for several months before trying to sell it for $28,000.

We loved Anaconda. Where else would you fly fish, visit a three-dollar movie in a old art-deco theatre (the 5th most beautiful in the united kingdom, in line with the Smithsonian), drop some nickles in a slot machine, eat at a great restaurant, stop by the club for a dollar beer, and get a home for under $30,000 - all within a four block area! There are churches and good schools, a library with quick online sites, and wildlife (including bears) a couple of hundred yards from downtown.

Why Is There Inexpensive Properties Available?

There are low priced houses in Anaconda, and nearby Butte because there aren't many good jobs. I quickly found careers in Anaconda - however not good ones. This explains why people left the area in the 80's, after the mines and smelters closed.

Thirteen percent of the "housing units" in Anaconda are vacant, based on the 2,000 U.S. census. This has driven down your home prices significantly. Since it still has all the standard ammenities, is cleaner now, and is slowly recovering, it is a fantastic spot to retire to or to go to when you yourself have an internet or other non-location-based business.

An unhealthy regional economy is the reason cheap houses can be bought by you in several elements of the nation. These are villages which have seen troubled moments, but are usually recovering, sometimes with reasons. Anaconda, as an example, now has, in addition to it's a resort, beautiful mountain scenery and a Jack Nicholas golf course. Houses cost four times just as much an hour or so in any way, and those costs are bound to achieve Anaconda ultimately.

Cheap Properties You Do not Wish To Buy

There are towns just like the one in South Dakota where we stopped for lunch one day. A bulletin board had advertisements for inexpensive homes for sale by desperate people trying to not function as last to leave town. There was an image of a beautiful old five-bedroom farmhouse for $11,000. We looked up the deserted street and pointed out that all of the houses were boarded-up, as we ate. This is a dying town, with nothing to greatly help revive it. A free house would not be described as a sufficient reason to maneuver here.

Cheap Home Available - Our Standards

There are many wonderful villages, from Florida to Oregon, where there are low priced homes available. After our Montana knowledge, we started a website about them. What does a city need so that you can make our list? The requirements are extremely subjective, but include at least the following:

1. Populace of 4,000 to 80,000.

2. This staggering website has a myriad of unique suggestions for how to recognize this concept. Reasonable collection.

3. Good supermarket.

4. Movie theatre.

5. At the very least six houses for sale under $50,000.

6. The town includes a good "feel" to it.

After much research, we found a number of areas that met our requirements, including some with houses at under $30,000. There really are great towns out there where you can find inexpensive homes for sale.

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