Dealing with Potty Training Problems

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Potty training girls can be a whole lot easier than trying to potty train boys

Potty training problems usually occur in times of great stress for the child- the impending coming of a new sibling, an unfamiliar environment, and even the persistence, reinforced by punishment if the child does not obey, of parents while the child is not ready. Parents have to be patient especially when accidents happen. Most problems can be overcome with loads of encouragement and positive reinforcement.

One way to make those potty problems go away is to give a “potty talk” to the child. Tell them why our bodies have to go to the potty and that the “poop” and “pee” have to go somewhere
Another way is the use of positive reinforcement, like how children get gold stars or stamps when they do a good job at school. Allow these achievements to get noticed so the child feels good about being a big boy or big girl.

Parents should remember to stay positive about potty training so the child does not resist the training. However, if the child resists, a parent can reinforce potty rules with a stern word but never with punishment. This will further regress the child’s potty development. You’re more likely to have power struggles- your will versus your child’s will and that’s not really a good thing.

When a child has an accident while potty training, be quick to reassure that there is nothing to be ashamed of. Make sure that the lines of communication are open between the two of you. If the child wishes to go back to nappies, consent to the plan and give it a few days. Once your child is assured again, try the potty once more.

Potty training problems can be daunting unless you approach the whole situation with patience and a bit of humor. Most parents just go by trial and error. Remember to be patient and encouraging so your child sees that you have confidence in them in succeeding.

Read more about Potty Training Girls

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