Dinosaur Spotlight- Introducing the Mighty Tyrannosaurus rex

Izvor: KiWi

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Tyrannosaurus rex (say Tie-ran-owe-sore-uss) is in all probability one of the generally well-known and easy to identify of all the dinosaurs thanks to all the books and motion pictures that have presented this formidable predator. Once considered “King of the Dinosaurs”, the Tyrannosaurus rex must have been a terrifying sight to behold back in the Late Cretaceous Period, some 97-65 million years ago.

With a head containing a skull 1.4 meters (4.5 feet long) which featured a mouth big enough to swallow a normal sized adult and in excess of fifty teeth that were greater than 20 centimeters (8 inches long), the fearsome Tyrannosaurus rex was a force to be reckoned with even during dinosaur times! In those times, mass did matter, and Tyrannosaurus rex might weigh as much as 6 metric tons (6 tons) and grow in size up to twelve meters (40 feet) in length from head to tail.

Identified as a Theropod, this beast walked on 2 legs and had two tiny but strong arms that were similar to claws. Its heavy tail was used to counterbalance the head and body over top of its big legs that ended in a bird-like three digit foot sporting great clawed tips.

Its dining menu was made up of other dinosaurs, particularly the sizeable plant-eaters, because the Tyrannosaurus rex was a carnivore or meat-eater. It was a precise “killing machine” when it came to attacking and eliminating less strong dinosaurs of its generation.

If you enjoyed this article about Tyrannosaurus rex and would like to meet more terrifiying dinosaurs simply click this link dinosaur books for kids or visit The Dino Detective website.

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