Economic Complex Investigation Using Amount

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

I wonder if you have recognized this

Each of the data you receive daily from your stock exchange in financial technological analysis charts are nothing more than:

1. Price

2. Volume

Thats right. As maps for financial technical analysis just the value and the number of transactions are known everyday and captured. Hardly any technical merchants make full use of it in assisting them with their t., despite the fact that volume is this important aspect.

Financial Technological Investigation Using Size

I wonder if you have understood this

Most of the knowledge you receive daily from the stock market in financial complex examination charts are nothing more than:

1. Price

2. Size

Thats right. As charts for economic technical analysis just the price and the amount of transactions are known daily and captured. Very few technical merchants make full use of it in helping them using their trade records and leave, despite the fact that size is this important aspect. It is because many complex dealers simply do not understand how to make sense of the daily amount bars in terms of the price action. I present here a straightforward data describing what the cost versus volume behavior mean and hope it helps you in making more sense in your financial technical analysis.

Economic Technical Investigation Using Amount Described

Increasing Price + Growing Amount = Healthier Bull trend

Increasing Price + Declinging size = Bull tendency drying up, striking roof soon

Suffering Value + Rising Size = Healthy Bear Development

Suffering Price + Declining Volume = Bear tredn drying up, bottoming soon.

Decreasing Price + Sudden Volume rise = Attempting to sell Climax, short-term service stage reached

Price at Peak + Sudden amount rise = Buying Climax, opposition stage reached

Financial Technical Analysis of Head & Shoulder Formation Using Volume

The amount pat-tern for a head and shoulders top formation is extremely special.

Size reaches a peak to the left shoulder. As rates go as much as the pinnacle, volume increases,

but this second volume peak should be lower than that of the left shoulder. That peak in value,

However lower peak in size, is an important sign to the trader that buying interest is less enthusiastic.

Eventually, as charges rally and form the proper shoulder, amount further decreases.

Financial Complex Investigation Using Size, Finish

I am hoping this simple explanation of what each movement of price versus size means in financial technical analysis can help you, as a technical trader, obtain a higher level of precision when reading your maps and therefore a higher level of trading reliability.

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