How Do I Get More YouTube Video Views

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

How to get more youtube views and likes quickly
Millions of people use the largest Web 2.0 video sharing site, YouTube, for fun, but you can utilize its massive daily traffic to spread the word about your own websites, built a mailing list, or promote your services and products. However, your efforts can be in vain unless you manage to get enough views to your videos, but this is not an easy, although not an impossible either, task.
How do I get more YouTube video Views?
Content is important and your video should have some value - it could be a video tutorial that solves common problem, very entertaining movie, or something extremely beautiful that you shot with your camcorder. No matter what you upload, you should give the viewer a reason to watch it and not to click the back button after seeing the first few seconds.
The title of the video is your most powerful weapon and one that you should use wisely - in the case of a video tutorial, provide a title that is likely to be searched for, but using controversial or shocking titles is perfectly acceptable as well and likely to appeal to the curiosity of the viewers. Right after you come up with a great title, you need to use an excellent description as well - in order to send more visitors to your own site, include the full URL in your description. A change in the YouTube policy made all the links non-clickable, but the vast majority of the viewers will not have a problem copying the URL, pasting it in their browsers, and checking out your website. Do not be afraid to use longer description that includes a few carefully chosen keywords as well - you can use Google's own keyword to select the keywords that fit your niche, but using common sense is sufficient most of the time.
Watermarking your video is highly recommended and even when the viewers cannot be bothered to read your description, they could easily see your site's web address, and if you give them a good enough reason, visit it by typing it in their browser's address bar. Avoid using huge watermarks that cover most of your video, as they can be a big turn off!
Using a service to "jump-start" your video views is an option well worth considering and such services are typically quite affordable as well. Before parting with your hard-earned cash though, take the time to research the offers and see what previous customers have to say since you would want "real" views from real people and not computer bots that inflate your view count artificially.
Once you have a few videos up and receive good response from your viewers, build yourself a great YouTube channel with frequent updates and you are likely to reach even wider audience!
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