How To Choose a Professional SEO Company

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Search Engine Optimisation Services
Whenever you bring up the subject of Search Engine Optimization with small business folks, it wouldn't take long to find someone who has been burned by a SEO company.
If your company or business is in need of SEO work, take the following steps to ensure your hiring a reputable person:
1. Analyze the search engine optimization company. Read through the company website.
2. Find the website's list of specific goals and methods?
3. Look for ethical (white hat) SEO techniques.
4. Feel the website out to sense if it reads like an empty sales pitch.
5. Find out how long the website has been online ( If the domain is new, they might be a fly-by-night scam.
6. Study the search engine results of the company's website for local terms like "Bay Area SEO Firm".
7. Look for a local company in your area as you will have better communication with them.
7. Ask the SEO company for referrals that you can call.
Any company that is out to burn you won't be local, use black hat techniques, won't have real referrals, and will be a new site.
Please DO NOT make the same mistake most people do by falling for those $97 "guaranteed top listings" by large companies. I have never met someone who has signed up with one of those and got any meaningful l results.

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