Incorporate a recovery plan

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Nordural ehf's backup system needed to incorporate a Disaster Recovery plan that would reduce the backup window from five hours to two-three hours.

A Disaster Recovery Plan is a coordinated action to enable the recovery of IT/business systems because of a disruption. Tragedy voice over internet protocol Recovery is possible by restoring IT/business operations at an alternate location, recovering IT/business operations using alternate equipment, and/or doing some or every one of the business processes using manual practices.

It was essential that Nordural's backup system will include a reliable Disaster Recovery program that would reduce its backup window from five hours to two-three hours. Along with this, Nordural needed a Disaster Recovery strategy that restored their most important hosts to clean metal recover in under two hours.

Nordural's choice to choose the SecurStore Remote Backup Service highlights the strength and freedom of managed companies.

Rural backup (sometimes also called online backup) is a site that delivers users with an online system for backing up and storing computer files. Remote copy service providers are companies that supply a software program and space on a server that their client's information is stored on. The application program will run using a clients computer and (generally) once a day; compress, encrypt and then send the client's information to the remote backup service providers ' computers to be saved

With SecurStore, Nordural had the assurance that their demands will be met - from an easy crucial recover, to rural copy at multiple locations, to some simple and effective program for the

IT people at Nordural.

Because it gives people round backup and recovery services for our needs, with 24x7x365 support" "we find the SecurStore Remote Backup Service said Emil Hilmarsson, IT Manager Nordural. SecurStore also presented Nordural with the possibility of setting which data is 'critical; and which is 'significant' data by using Longterm Storage with the utilization of Backup Life-cycle Management program that controls data throughout all backing up and archiving procedures.

Copy Lifecycle Management distinguishes data in to varying quantities of protected data: present crucial data, which will be stored on-line for quick recovery; and archivable data that may be needed at a later time but is not apt to be reached in the long run.

Alexander Eirksson, President of SecurStore, proved, "The agentless architecture of SecurStore Remote Backup Service permits us to apply the service with little interference to Nordural's existing personal computers. More over, since the service is pivoted around giving backup and recovery for geographically dispersed locations, it correctly compliments Nordural's multi-site locations, remote or otherwise. This provisioning enables Nordural to remotely back-up notebooks even if individuals are away."

At each customer site, one customer discovers all laptops, desktops and hosts linked to the local system, and completes the backup of all local information assets.

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