Indian Tandoori Cooking

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Traditionally, tandoori dishes are cooked in a tandoor, a square shaped clay oven with a little fire in the bottom. The heat increases gradually but finally reaches a greater temperature than the usual barbeque.

A tandoor is generally used to cook naan bread, foods and kebabs (beef or paneer). The bread is stuck to the sides, the kebabs stood vertically and full birds rested on a grid over the fire. Visit Amish Garages to discover why to acknowledge it.

For domestic cooking, a tandoor isn't really convenient but the meat dishes can be reproduced on a barbecue or in the stove. The vivid red appearance of tandoori meats which you might see in Indian restaurants is created by a food dye which really isnt necessary to improve the look of your tandoori dishes.

I've an excellent fondness for tandoori style food. It's flavour, without being "hot" or high in calories or too filling. In if something a little different is fancyed by you, fact it's an ideal recipe summer or cold temperatures. As an additional benefit, it doesn't simply take hours to prepare. Obviously you can take all the energy from it and use a pre-prepared mix, but I believe they've less taste and they are cant used by you for anything else, whereas if you use the person herbs, other dishes can be made by you as well.

You can certainly make tandoori chicken (total), tandoori lamb chops (pig would be more unusual, but theres number reason why you shouldnt put it to use, if you prefer) and lamb tikka (kebabs) but my personal favourite is chicken tikka since its so quick so heres my very own formula.

This recipe serves two people - multiply it for as much people as you need.


2 Chicken breasts

1 little container Greek yogurt

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon ground coriander

Teaspoon ground turmeric

Teaspoon ginger dust

Teaspoon chilli powder (or to taste)

1 small clove garlic, crushed

salt to taste

1 tbsp lemon juice

Slice the chicken breasts into 1 inch cubes and put aside.

Combine the spice powders and garlic into the yogurt. Low fat yogurt can be used by you if you want. Because it can be quite over-powering you can also use new ginger or ginger paste from a bottle instead of ginger dust but go easy on the amount.

Now you also can combine in the salt and lemon juice but if you do so, dont keep the chicken to marinade for a lot more than about 20 minutes or it will become very dry when cooked. If you want to marinade it for a lengthier time, add the lemon juice and salt right before you prepare the dish or spread on to serve.

Thread the chicken onto skewers and both barbecue or cook under a using medium heat until the chicken is somewhat browned and cooked through.

For a light meal, serve with salad, pitta or naan bread and lemon wedges or for some thing bigger with rice and dahl.

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