Internet Marketing Questions

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

– Newbie Marketer Series – Lesson 2 –

Well, yesterday’s training was Introduction to Internet Marketing and it was designed to be a 1-day, condensed overview before I followed up in-depth on the various subjects underneath that big umbrella.

But I was wrong.

Your questions hit my inbox with the force of artillery shells and I have no choice but to rethink the scope of this training series.

Today, I will answer the most common questions that have poured in over the last 24 hours. We won’t even move on to specific topics until we’re all on the same sheet of music.

I made a rough outline today of 13 critical lessons, and there maybe more days (like this one) just dedicated to questions and answers.

I’m going to reach out to my marketer friends and put their sponsored messages at the top of some of these trainings. I ask that you give these guys and gals the respect and gratitude of reviewing the offers that they bring here, since they are footing all the costs of giving you this training for free.

First up is a sponsored ad from my friend Bob. The background image is a bit racy for me, but the report is free and will certainly teach you things to help you get started.

Please patronize his offer in support of free training.

50 Quick and Easy Ways To Raise Fast Cash [Free Ebook
And get started you will.

The surprise for me as the questions rolled in was how many complete newbies we have here. I define newbie as someone who’s yet to make their first dollar in online sales. If you’re beyond that point, I beg your patience while we reach back and provide the basics that those who are newer at this need to begin earning money.

In the coming days, I will find a more organized way – probably a brief survey – to really lock in on what you need to start generating profits. I’ll also form a private Facebook group where we can interact. And to get some lucky devil underway, I’ll run a contest to give away three coaching sessions completely free. All I ask after those sessions are over, is that the winner offer an appropriate testimonial.

Above all, let’s help each other unlock the profits that are online!

Q&A from yesterday

Could I start selling online for free? If not, what are the basics and their cost?

I’m not able to say that it’s impossible to do this for free. In the first post, I even suggest that you must be prepared to buy things like a domain name and hosting. In fact, I’m comfortable saying that you probably can, but I was not smart enough to both figure it out and understand how it could grow quickly enough to satisfy my goals.

I’ll let you in on a secret. I’m not a rocket scientist.

But what I do, I do thoroughly. I stay on task and have coached dozens of others to do the same.

The secret to success in selling things online is exactly the same as selling things anywhere else… you get off the couch and INTO THE GAME. You work hard and learn with constant trial and error.

I’m happy to share my mistakes so that you can sidestep making them yourself, of course. But I digress.

Here’s the recap of those expenses I think you will bear in getting underway. You need a domain name (avg. of $10/year), a hosting account (avg. of $6/month), a program to create optin forms ($30 or so, and these are places where potential customers will join your mailing list), and an autoresponder account ($25/month, where your list is kept).

Let’s tally that: $10 + $6 + $30 + $25 = $71 to start. Then monthly: $6 + $25 = $31 to continue. Hardly a back breaker, right?

In recommendations, I’ll suggest a list of great places to buy the best of these items for your solid start.

Do I need to have a math background to measure how well I am doing?

No. In fact, most of the data to help you understand the important numbers in your growing business is presented visually – often rendered in graphs with clear lines that indicate progress.

Leave the math to your accountant when you drop everything off in a shoebox ;)

What can I sell?

People buy things online to fill needs in their lives. No shock there, right?

They’ll buy a heater for a spare room, or a new electric toothbrush. These products are properly called ‘goods’ and require that arrangements be made to deliver a physical item to the customer.

But the internet’s growth explosion has meant that once hard to obtain information held by experts is no longer slow or costly to distribute. For example, I happily share the knowledge that I now have about making money online. I do it as I create electronic reports, books, audios and videos that people can download as soon as they pay for them.

Perhaps you have a unique area of knowledge in your own life – it maybe how to restore classic cars or how to raise chickens that lay eggs. If you have a level of knowledge here that’s above average, you can bet that someone else online will pay to learn it. In fact, thousands upon thousands of people search Google EVERY MONTH on those two subjects alone and many would pounce on a concise, informative report about how to do either.

Later on we’ll discuss how to quickly put such a report together. No need to stress about it, because the customer is only expecting your knowledge, not that you write like John Steinbeck. That will fill a future lesson!

I really hope this helped. I think the next post will give you much of what you need to know to actually ‘go online’ and then we’ll begin to build from there.


P.S. Please make an effort to visit Bob’s sponsorship offer here:

50 Quick and Easy Ways To Raise Fast Cash [Free Ebook
It is good of these people to put freebies out there for us, and really exemplary of them to sponsor training series like this one.

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