Migraine headaches treatment

Izvor: KiWi

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Migraine headaches treatment

1. Negative Emotions
If you harbor a lot of negativities, it can cause various sickness and diseases. There are reports of healings of long term, incurable, and weird diseases when the patients decided to forgive someone. Do you want to be happy? Or do you want to hold on to your inner pains?
It is spiritual. Many system of spiritual beliefs actually warn against negative thoughts and emotions, and testify how they can manifest into real pains and problems.
For example, stress alone can do away all the beneficial effects of supplements and diets that have been reported to be useful for many migraines sufferers. It can make your body acidic, see 6.
The Bible says, "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."(Proverbs 17:22)
The bones have many vital nutrients and minerals. If our body get weak or sick, it may indicate that some of these nutrients or minerals are depleted. One of the crucial minerals for migraines sufferer is magnesium, which is found richly in the bone, but the sufferers always have magnesium deficiency. The deficiency is what caused the symptoms of migraines and the migraine itself. If you click the link, you will see the article which explained why magnesium can cure migraines.
2. Poor Blood Flow
The Bible also says the blood is life (Deuteronomy 12:23). If the circulation of blood isn't good, or if the oxygen and nutrients in the blood are insufficient, then the body suffers. This is why migraineurs sometime experience cold hands or feet, muscle tightness, tinglings, and ultimately the high blood pressure will cause the blood vessel in the brain to dilate and result in the migraine headaches.
This is also why migraineurs may get headaches if they overslept. They usually have poor blood flow, and sleep postures that last too long are quite bad for blood flow, so the combined effect oversleeping has on blood flow can cause headaches.
3. Tight Muscles
Again, the postures, not only sleeping too long can cause headache, but sitting or standing in the same postures for too long can cause headache too because it reduces blood flow.
If you have tight muscles, which many sufferers have, you must do regular exercises, especially between long working hours. Some mini exercises are designed for office workers. You can do them while sitting on the chair, or standing within the cubicle. It is important for your body to move a little every once and a while.

Do some self massage, and facial and eyes exercise too, because they help blood flow in the head. It might sound like a lot of work, but it is worth it. Not only will you experience much less pains, but you will also increase productivity because better blood flow in the brain makes it function much more effectively and less muscle pains allow you to focus and work longer.
4. Toxic And Impaired Organs
The body is pretty smart and has sophisticated coping mechanism. You may not realize but your lifestyle may involve toxic environment, OTC drugs, and processed foods. The body may not be able to flush them out quick enough because we absorb toxins daily.
When the body cannot remove the toxins, it copes by storing the toxins in our organs, joints, and fats. There are also acids that come from our what we eat and drink. Many foods have acidifying effect to our body after they are digested and metabolized. The body also stores the acids in safer places before it has the chance to deal with it later.
A toxic liver, for example, will not function optimally. Since it is the organ that dissolve fats and neutralize toxins, if it gets too toxic, it will fail to detox and purify the blood stream effectively, and toxic bloods cause muscle pains, allergies, migraines, and many other diseases.
5. Detox Symptoms
When you fast or do cleansing diets, your body will start healing. The body can heal itself, especially when it is no longer overwhelmed and overworked.
The problem is, the inactive toxins and acids that get stored in organs, joins, and fats will get stir up, reactivated, and circulate in the bloods. It will take some major hard work, detox agents, and supplements to flush them out.
This is why migraineurs can experience rebound headaches if they stop taking meds, and also experience headaches when they drink detoxing agent such as lemon juice, or stop taking more toxins such as when they fast or skip a meal.
6. Dehydration
To flush out toxins, you need water. The body requires water for metabolism and transportation of nutrients to organs, muscles, and the brain. Proper hydration can help you break down fats, increase energy, reduce pains, sleep better, detox, and therefore reduce symptoms of migraines.
Don't use processed juices, soda, tea, coffee, sport drinks, or artificially sweetened drinks for hydration, drink natural juices and water without sugar or sweeteners. These drinks have acidifying effects for the body. Alkalizing drinks such as ionized water and most natural juices, will alkalize the body and bring proper hydration.
7. Acidic Conditions
Acidic stomach, digestive tract, and internal systems will deplete magnesium, and magnesium deficiency is highly connected to migraines. Acidosis will also cause many other diseases, sickness, or pains.
8. DNA
Migraineurs have genetic weakness in this area comparing with normal people. Other people may sleep less or oversleep, or eat migraine triggering foods or drinks, but would not experience migraine headaches. Lifestyles that are bad for migraineurs are also bad for normal people, but the manifestations will be different. Some people might develop cancers due to smoking, while somebody won't, but anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
I think DNA is spiritual. Ultimately, all sicknesses and diseases are spiritual. We live in a toxic world and many people have problems on a DNA level. You can run but you can't hide. There are just too many toxins and factors that can cause sicknesses of many kinds.
You can try to avoid every trigger and eliminate the causes of migraines, but one stressful event can make it happen. To really cure the problem once and for all, you need healing at the spiritual level, and this is why I started a blog that talks about faith and spirituality. The Bible, which is God's word, can bring complete healing to a person on every level.

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