Moving Into Google And Yahoo Information

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

As outlined by the Pew World-wide-web & American Life Project, 50 million Americans get information on-line ????? ????? on any given day. In comparison, only 27 million Americans watch network TV news on a typical evening. The Internet is quickly becoming the preferred news source over television, magazines, and trade publications.

Information website sites like Yahoo Information, Google News and MSNBC Searchbot receive millions of visitors every day. If fact, Yahoo Information ranks ahead of and even, while Google Information ranks ahead of and the

You can tap into these massive traffic sources through the use of press releases. Additional benefits of distributing your press release include possible media exposure, pickup of your release in on the net publications, increased link popularity to your website site, additional search engine rankings on your target keywords, and increased traffic to your website site.

However, there's much more to press release marketing than simply whipping up an article and sending it out on the world. You must take time to optimize your press release properly.

Press releases should be optimized in much the same way that search engine optimization specialists optimize ordinary web pages to achieve higher rankings. In doing so, you will receive much higher visibility.

For example, one press release from resulted in 2,200 visitors and 5 interview requests by journalists. This is the power of a highly optimized press release.

Listed below is an outline of how to create an optimized press release for your own website and how to distribute it for maximum exposure.

The first and most important element is to search for keywords and phrases that are likely to deliver qualified leads to your website. A good press release combines targeted keywords with creative writing that makes for a compelling read.

To find these lucrative keyword phrases, begin brainstorming what people would search for when looking for your products. If your products or services are targeted to a particular geographic area, you might want to include these locations in your keyword phrases as well. It is best to target up to 3 keyword phrases.

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