Need To Lose Belly Fat? Consume This Precious Spice Daily

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Cinnamon is among the oldest spices recognized to man. The truth is it had been considered more valuable than gold. It was used by the early Egyptians for flavoring foods and for medicinal purposes and its even mentioned in the bible <a href="">details</a> .

Today many people just consider nutmeg as a for apple pie or gingerbread cookies and sweet potatoes. But cinnamon is actually much more!

Quite accidentally the Maryland USDA Research Center...

Cinnamon can reduce belly fat! Yes! That is what I said.

Cinnamon is among the oldest spices proven to man. Actually it was considered more valuable than gold. Early Egyptians used it for therapeutic purposes and for flavoring foods and its even mentioned in the bible.

A lot of people just think about cinnamon as a for apple pie or gingerbread cookies and sweet potatoes today. But cinnamon is in fact so much more!

Quite by chance the Maryland USDA Research Center discovered the wonders of nutmeg. These were doing research on how certain foods influenced glucose (blood-sugar) levels in the body. They expected it to have negative impact on your body when it came to apple pie (with cinnamon). With their utter surprise, it lowered glucose levels within the blood. This merited further research</a> .

In December of 2003, the Dept. of Human Nutrition in Peshawar, Pakistan, a study was underway to determine how cinnamon affected good and poor cholesterol and glucose levels, triglyceride on 60 patients with type 2 diabetes.

The very first group was handed between 1 to 6 g of cinnamon per day and the next placebo. After 40 days the nutmeg group had a reduction in sugar levels between 18 and 29%. Triglycerides reduced by 23 to 30% and general cholesterol 12 to 26% and LDL cholesterol 7 to 27%. In reality this class continued to register lower levels even with 20 days of perhaps not getting the nutmeg! The placebo group had no real changes. This really is good news for diabetics and people who have heart disease.

In a study done with rats, one party was handed a higher fructose diet with cinnamon and the other a lower amount of sugars. The end result was both groups did the same. Cinnamon causes your body to lessen glucose levels and manage insulin levels and making it possible to decrease the belly fat, even though the mice ate high-fructose.

If you include cinnamon to your daily diet either by scattering on foods or taken as a pill or liquid organic tonic, this might help you in the battle of the bulge. Plenty of water and fresh vegetables and youll feel better and look better, to accelerate the process, add an aerobic activity or brisk walking <a href="">consumers</a> .

Cinnamon is a delicious way to allow you to lose weight. Happy eating!

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