Part IV - Having Your Site Indexed in MSN

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Part IV - Having Your Site Indexed in MSN

Althoug MSN is lagging behind both Google and Yahoo when it concerns the ways you can get your website indexed, it is still one of the top three search engines, and it shouldn't be ignored.

Bing gives you two different ways to get your website indexed, and you must submit to both. However, before you do that, be sure that you have enhanced your site first.

You may get more details on optimizing your site for MSN, in addition to ideas on seo, here:

The tips that you'll find here basically connect with optimizing your site for just about any search engine, however they are worth the read so that you concentrate your search engine marketing efforts in a way that will get your site indexed.

When I mentioned before, you will find two ways to get found by MSN. The first involves submitting to-the Intomi catalog. The MSN search is actually powered by the Intomi index.

Inktomi has become also a part of Yahoo. Nevertheless, you must still submit your website here. This will let you get indexed by hundreds of web sites if your site is approved.

You will need to make use of a valid email for your site. Make certain that you use an email account so that if there is an issue, you may immediately correct it that you actually use. You may also need to verify your submission.

Bear in mind that there are no guarantees on recovery, and there are also no guarantees that your site is likely to be recognized.

The 2nd element of submitting to MSN is clearly submitting to the MSN spider. Rob Benwell, of 'Blogging to the Bank' celebrity, said that he used MSN for his searches when looking for niches, since MSN improvements faster than either Yahoo or Google, and it was why he used MSN to try his results.

This can be good advice. However, in my opinion that you need to send personally to MSN for the following reason: this is the number 2 web site online. It gets an enormous amount of traffic, and the traffic that site brings you can help you with both your ranks, in addition to being found by searchers.

ComScore Networworks reports that 48 percent of MSN searchers are more likely to buy, although Google searchers are 42 percent likely to buy. Yahoo consumers are 41 per cent more likely to buy. Even though these data were produced in 2005, you will get more details from this site on demographic buying habits of searchers:

Now, you should use the link below to submit directly to the MSN spider:

A word of warning here: when posting to MSN, make certain that you recognize the characters in the evidence picture on these pages. You must type them just as you see them, or your site will not get presented.

If your submission is successful, you will see a message that tells you your submission is successful and will ask you if you want to submit another site. Dig up further on A single month to go | Color Laser Engraver by browsing our striking article directory.

When you have MSN crawling your website, you should not have to re-submit.

If you follow these steps carefully, you should have no trouble getting the site approved. Create good material, build links back to your site, and target the correct keywords, and you will get high rankings.

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