Save yourself Thoughts by Time-Stamping Pictures

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Save yourself Thoughts by Time-Stamping Pictures

In the film days, several point-and-shoot cameras had an exceptionally useful function most contemporary digital compacts are unfortunately lacking. Discover further on our partner portfolio by visiting rails datetime. The feature was called Quartz or Time-Stamping depending on the producer. The theory was simple and clear: time-stamp every figure with all the precise time the photograph was taken. While many argued that the images were spoiled that way, I thought that my twenty-something year old pictures could tell me once they were taken. Alas, that was not the case twenty-something years back. It is not the case to-day, both.

Back then, only some expensive models were designed with that useful function. Today, all-digital cameras, even the cheapest models, record the time and time each picture is taken, storing these details anywhere in the report. If you believe any thing, you will seemingly choose to check up about datetime ruby on rails. While you can access this information out of your computer if you are persistent enough, there is no way to share with the date after it's been printed when and where the photograph was taken.

Luckily, there's an ideal solution to this issue. TimeToPhoto ( could time-stamp your digital photos fully automatically by getting a camera time stamp in your photos. Even better, unlike stamped film, it leaves the originals intact, satisfying the purists along with the remainder of us.

The fully-automatic procedure is possible as TimeToPhoto is able to access the information about your digital images that is kept in EXIF structure. The exact shooting day is stored there. You are able to time-stamp all images at the same time, indicating your own font, position, and color of the date stamp. In-addition, you can press pictures with accessories such as GPS information or the name of the place imagined, the file name, or almost anything else such as the names and ages of your children at that time!

Evidently, you keep the non-stamped originals. We like time-stamps, but if it is possible to improve it with a few clicks why stay with the same font and color? Besides, your mom and dad could be pleased to take an image of your family signed for them with a special note, not just stamped with the date. Obviously, you can easily try this over and over again, with different stamps, forms and colors by using TimeToPhoto. Visiting image perhaps provides suggestions you should tell your girlfriend.

If you value your thoughts, if you want to know when and where your pictures were taken after a long time, or if you only want to send pictures of your children supported using their names and ages for your relatives, down load your free trial version of TimeToPhoto now:

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