
Izvor: KiWi

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Have you been having an unpleasant burning sensation in your chest o-r your upper abdomen? Does this pain often expand into your right back? Does it almost feel as you can't catch your breath? These common symptoms seem like coronary attack symptoms and is often the reason that thousands of people arrive in emergency rooms every year with them, only to find out these symptoms are linked to acid reflux. It is believed by doctors that up to 2-0 - 30 million Americans suffer from acid reflux or as it's becoming recognized - gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. It has been experienced by most of us, especially after that pepper sub and hot Italian sausage as well as that piece of thick chocolate torte. Visit it service houston tx to discover why to acknowledge this hypothesis. For me it had been drinking iced tea throughout the day that caused me to possess issues. So, for all those folks with food related acid reflux disease it's easy to understand what foods in order to avoid so we don't are having issues. We are able to take an over the counter antacid and obtain relief. For a few folks however acid reflux disease becomes a chronic condition that with time can cause injury to the esophagus. when acid reflux disease can cause serious medical problems If the harm to the esophagus occurs this is. What goes on with chronic acid reflux disease is that the belly acids that back flow from up in to the esophagus actually damage the lining of the esophagus. This back-up of acid can cause ulcers to form across the esophagus and can cause what is called Barrett's esophagus that will be when the normal esophageal cells are replaced with abnormal cells. These abnormal cells have already been related to cancer of the esophagus. The question is what to do? Try the simplest way first. If you've occasional acid reflux you may decide to try noticing what foods bring about the acid reflux. Some doctors don't see any link between acid reflux disease and food at all. They believe that acid reflux happens regardless of what kind of food you eat. This has not been our experience. I've discovered that avoiding combinations of foods does reduce my acid reflux disease from happening. Keep a log of what you have enjoyed as soon as your acid reflux disease acts up. By doing this you'll understand what types of food in order to avoid. It is recommended that you do not lay down right after any meal. Do not extend over following dinner. Don't wear tight-fitting clothing. Do not smoke! Smoking could trigger acid reflux disease symptoms. If you've regular acid reflux relief can be sought by you from non-prescription antacids. For worse and chronic acid reflux disease it is suggested that you seek advice from your medical expert. You will need a prescription antacid for aid.

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