The Secret History of Santa Claus 24303

Izvor: KiWi

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Santa Claus is one old individual. All of us know that. Just look at how white his hair and beard are, right? But do you realize the legend of Santa Claus, and St. Nick, go back nearly to the time of Christ, nearly 2,000 years ago? No? Well, sit back, pour yourself a hot chocolate, grab yourself a plate of cookies, and get ready for the history of Santa Claus.

It's said that round the year 2-80 A.D., there was a person born by the name of Nicolas. H-e was created in the Near East in a town called Patara. Today to locate it, look on a map or even a globe for your country of Turkey, near Greece. Discover more on the affiliated article by navigating to open in a new browser window. It was there that the person who'd become Santa Claus was born.

Nicolas had a big heart, so big that he became a monk and devoted himself to his religion and his lord. But Nicolas also was a big fan of his family and his neighbors, and he also committed himself for them. Term spread in his homeland and far and wide about how precisely kind and generous Nicolas was. Get more on an affiliated link - Click this web site: Illustrative Terms in Real Estate Advertisements - More Explanations - Stock-Options-. Nicolas was created into wealth, and stories soon spread about how exactly Nicolas gave away most of his family's money to-the poor, the sick, and other people he discovered who needed it.

He became therefore popular that Nicolas was called the protection of children (and sailors also). Once, he even saved three young girls, siblings, from being sold in to slavery by their father. Going To repair garage door spring burbank seemingly provides tips you might tell your brother. Their father, you-see, needed money, and was going to make a fortune by trying to sell his daughters. Rather, Nicolas stumbled on their relief by offering the father money for the girls, and then setting them free.

No wonder that Nicolas turned Saint Nicolas after his death. For centuries, Europeans recognized him on-the day of his death, December 6. Some also say that Saint Nick was the hottest saint in all of Europe during the end of the Dark Ages. November 6 was always considered a happy day with this very same reason.

How did Saint Nick get from being the protector of children to Jolly Old Saint Nick, the person we all know as Santa Claus, who not merely protects children, but brings them great presents also? Well, that is one heck of a long history, and it requires a manger, and baby Jesus. We probably all already know that history by heart.

But what you might not know is that the end of December was already a huge deal in Europe before Christmas was started. It was during this period of year that many Europeans recognized that winter was nearly over. They would have great feasts, celebrated the harvest of their wine and their alcohol, and the coming-of the sun and spring. So then it made sense that when people also began celebrating the birth of Baby Jesus, that the 2 cultures would meld.

The thought of eating and celebrating a holiday of lights, the joy and providing of Saint Nick, and the hope and love brought by Baby Jesus, all of it joined to form the ideal holiday: Xmas. For another interpretation, people can peep at: garage doors woodland hills. And who makes sure that it occurs each year? The one and only Santa Claus.

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