Think Twice About Likely To The Emergency Room For Back Pain

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

With low back pain being the number reason why millions of Americans miss work, you'd think hospitals around the country would be much more try pain doctor garden grove california compassionate with people who suffer from chronic low back pain. Being a chronic pain sufferer myself who is suffering from low back pain with a herniated disk, I know too well how ER health practitioners treat patients seeking help for many type of relief. It seems when you walk in and tell them the reason your here to see the doctor is for back pain, your quickly cast in an alternative light.

The interesting thing in today's contemporary times, hospitals and ER physicians have available, and can look up information on individuals that have on record tests such as for instance, MRI's, CT scans, or any other form of documentation to verify a diagnosis the in-patient is complaining of. With therefore many individuals falsely planning to ER rooms complaining of back pain just to get medication, they should really do only a little study before they put you because group of just seeking medication.

For instance, I waited 2 hours in the waiting room, after I got in to see the ER physician, I waited in the room for one more hour just to hear the nurse tell me I need to go see my primary care physician about substance abuse. I was in distress. I couldn't think they thought I was there seeking medicines and not undoubtedly experiencing pain. When just recently I had two MRI's taken as of this same hospital showing indeed I do suffer from herniated disks, and other right back dilemmas as well. To add insult to injury, I received a statement the following week charging me for the visit. I wonder what did they do for me personally. What did I charged by them for? The only thing they did in every reality is turn me away. Why do they cost me for turning me away within my time of need.

Except your in a car accident, or your wheeled in by ambulance on a stretcher, likely to the ER area for pain is a waste of money and time. Not just can it be a of time and money, your embarrassed by the entire trial. Individuals who suffer with chronic pain are simply just not believed. For regardless of the reason may be, ER health practitioners don't want to treat people in pain. Chronic pain patients in The Us are discriminated again extremely. Every one who is suffering from pain should write their congressman or senators. Some thing must be done. Appears health practitioners are taken the war on drugs against the innocent, against the folks who certainly have problems with chronic daily pain. There is something very wrong with this specific image. America has the best health in the world, and yet you cant get treated for anything as simple as low back pain. I just pray for the millions of Americans who have been in exactly the same situation they that somehow will see a sympathetic doctor who really knows pain. Looks most doctors today tend to be more thinking about what's best for them, and not the individual. Don't they still just take an oath to help the sick and hurting? Sometimes I wonder.

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