What is search engine gateway?

Izvor: KiWi

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What is search engine gateway?

Navino presented its search engine portal service recently. For some of the Net viewers, search engine entrance is a fairly new strategy compared with meta search engine or variable search engine. Place it in simple, it is a web service, that may enable you to search the best information from the best content providers in one website.

When we try to find everyday to information, many of us may go to Google.com. Yes, it's true. The Link is a forceful database for additional info concerning why to ponder it. The majority of the time, Google is effective. But does the best information be returned by Google? I suppose you'd agree the search engine's position algorithm can only provide a good response, but not the most effective. Well, you might ask, where could I obtain the MOST readily useful? The best weather information? The top book information? The best value for your favorite mp3 player? The short answer is from the mind, from the hand-picked information. For that reason, Navino's editors and their people hand out the best climate website is weather.com, the best guide website is amazon.com and the best price information is froogle.

Besides most readily useful hand picked information methods, Navino offer the internet search engine gateway technology. By using this technology, it is possible to search all the best site at Navino. Should you fancy to learn more about homepage, we know about many databases you can pursue. All you have to to do would be to add a unique research name before your seeking key words. We learned about tumbshots by browsing the Internet.

As an example, if you want to search New York's weather, you can search with weather New York' and you'll be forwarded to weather.com with the keyword New York.' If you wish to search finance books, you can search with book finance' and you'll be sent to amazon.com with the keyword finance.' If you wish to search the most useful price for the beloved mp3 player, you can search with price mp3 player' and you'll be forwarded to froogle with the keyword mp3 player.'

Navino search engine portal is extremely convenient for your daily web browsing. Besides that, Navino also offers its users to customize their own search engine gateway and allows its users to recommend search names for public use. Get further on source by visiting our riveting site.

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