Will the Real Antichrist Please Stand-up?

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Will the Real Antichrist Please Stand-up?

A lot of the world believes there is going be some conclusion time battle of Armageddon where the Antichrist will be overcome. I hate to say this but society is lied to again. A lot of the people who are preaching this material are preachers who are attempting to scare people to death and the end result is sending in money. Folks feel so these conclusion time doomsayers so they could possibly get the information out to the rest of the world they should send in more cash. They're playing o-n the fears and the goodness of others. I am here to share with you today that just like there's no person, there is no antichrist. In fact the reason of the antichrist is a simple one. Nevertheless there are many antichrists, they are here now and they were around in Christs day. That word just made a lot of sense. To discover who these men and women are we need to go-to the rational and only source.

Most bibles have a concordance at the very straight back of the book. Research the word antichrist and see how many scriptures you discover. For alternative interpretations, please look at: address. If you havent looked yet would you be surprised to know there are only four passages in-the whole whole Bible that mention the antichrist? Well my friends you will see perhaps not be one man one woman, or singled out while the Antichrist. Sorry to burst your bubble but its not just one man like Ronald Reagan, or President Bush or even the Catholic Pope like some speculate nevertheless there are lots of antichrists. Until Christ comes back for the second time they were around in the first century and they are still here today and will remain here.

Without even consulting the Bible we could break down word meanings to understand what and who the antichrist is. Here is the simple I was discussing in the opening sentence. Most of us know who Christ is but both terms together anti and then Christ has thrown people off. What does the word really mean? According to Websters this word anti means opposite in kind, position or action. Other or hostile toward. Defending against. This term anti does not have any different if you were utilizing it with anti-war or anti-abortion meaning then. So-to be anti-abortion methods to be against abortion. I think you realize now where I'm using this. This being so simple I'm sure you're wondering why this hasnt been defined this way before. It really is explained this way before but it's not the popular standpoint. This refreshing lee mcfarland paper has a pile of powerful cautions for how to see it. Often its what exactly or concepts right before the facial skin that people have the hardest time with. To discover what the Bible says in regards to the antichrist please see, I John 1:7; I John 2:18; 22; I John 4:1-6.

Are you beginning to get the picture here? The antichrist is simply someone who opposed Christ. She or he did not admit that Christ came in the skin. There's not one antichrist there are many. These antichrists deny the daddy and the daughter. So simple and so simple. The antichrist is merely somebody who is against or anti Christ.

The books of II John and I is the apostle John were written sometime before his exile to the Isle of Patmos where he wrote the book of Revelation. John is recognized as and called the apostle of love because his writings always stress the importance of loving one another. John was an elder (i.e. bishop, pastor, shepherd) of the church in Ephesus. He was writing to second and third generation Christians who begun to have doubts about Jesus. They wondered whether Jesus was the son of God and really divine. The new Christians did not have the opportunity to meet Jesus, to invest time with him, to know him, and also to see he was real, in the flesh. David was an eyewitness of Christ and was in a position to help them due to this.

The antichrists had recently been within the church and were former Christians. Instead they said to be Christians to their face but unveiled who they really were when they werent around their true colors. Externally they looked and spoke the part. It may be an easy task to fool a few of the new changes. False prophets are favored by the planet because they tell people what they want to hear, it had been no different within the first century. He's warning them of the final hour. Take note that by no means infers to-the second coming, as an alternative up to the second coming. Christians today have been in the past hour alongside them. Nevertheless their problems were their own, though they still exist to-day. Johns letters was to assure them that their belief in God is real and that it was real. He was giving a notice to them of things to watch for and be cautious of the lessons. If they didnt carry the teachings of God he told them, they were not to get them to their houses. According to the verses that mention the antichrist heres a re-cap of what they mean.

-John tells them the antichrist is coming and several were already there among them.

-They were an integral part of the party, Christians who left the faith.

-Anyone who rejected the Son and the Daddy were considered the antichrist.

-There just wasnt one antichrist there were many.

Since they told people what they wished to hear -the world paid attention to the antichrist and false prophets.

-They do not speak the truth; they're liars, deceived and led many astray.

-Antichrists are false prophets arriving the name of the Lord, but really never confessing Christ.

-Antichrists will not know that Jesus is from God.

-The antichrists do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh.

-The Christians knew who to think because the true disciples or Christians would listen to John.

So who may be the antichrist? When you sum up all this you will come to the conclusion the antichrist is simply anyone who opposes Christ. H-e who isn't with me is against me. Matthew 12:30. Do you know anyone who opposes Christ? Everyone who goes too far inside the teaching of God's word does not have God. TWO John 1:9. Click here lee mcfarland to study where to engage in this concept. This is actually the deceiver and the antichrist. It could be your neighbor, friends, family and maybe even inside your own household. It certainly will be not just one man that will be singled out and beat in the battle of Armageddon. It is plain and simple; h-e who isn't with him is against him.

when the facts are revealed Imagination and speculation will surely disappear completely. I encourage you to take action if you would like to get the word out in regards to the truth. I hope that you're starting to start to see the picture and the new light is shed. Do you want to buy some tickets for your fight and see him get his butt kicked? This concept fight would make a mint nevertheless you will see no antichrst defeated in an end time fight of armageddon.

Falsehood is so easy; truth so difficult George Eliot.

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