What is search engine gateway?

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 06:46, 9. rujna 2013. koju je unio/unijela Adan435 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Navino launched its search engine gateway service lately. For most of the World wide web surfers, search engine gateway is a fairly new notion compared with meta search engine or multi search engine. Place it in basic, it is a internet service, which can let you search the ideal information from the ideal content material providers in one particular web site.

When we attempt to discover information everyday, most of us may possibly go to Google.com. Yes, it is accurate. Most of the time, Google works nicely. But does Google return the greatest details? I guess you would agree that the search engine's ranking algorithm could only give a very good answer, but not the ideal. Mobile Website Optimization contains new information about the reason for this thing. Properly, you may possibly ask, where can I get the Greatest? The greatest climate details? The best book details? The very best price tag for your preferred mp3 player? The short answer is from the brain, from the hand picked details. As a result, Navino's editors and their users give out that the very best climate website is climate.com, the best book site is amazon.com and the ideal value data is froogle.

In addition to best hand picked details sources, Navino also supply the search engine gateway technologies. Employing this technology, you can search all the greatest website at Navino. To discover more, please consider checking out: check out service business marketing. All you need to do is to add a special search name ahead of your browsing search phrases.

For example, if you want to search New York's climate, you can search with weather New York' and you will be forwarded to climate.com with the keyword New York'. Get further on a partner portfolio by clicking local online search info. If you want to search finance books, you can search with book finance' and you will be forwarded to amazon.com with the keyword finance'. If you want to search the ideal price tag for your favourite mp3 player, you can search with cost mp3 player' and you will be forwarded to froogle with the keyword mp3 player'.

Navino search engine gateway is extremely practical for your every day internet surfing. Visiting my video marketing service probably provides warnings you can give to your family friend. In addition to that, Navino also offers its users to customize their own search engine gateway and enables its customers to advocate search names for public use.

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