How To Ethically Use A "Swipe File" For Your Ad Copy

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 07:25, 3. listopada 2013. koju je unio/unijela Evan723 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Did you ever wish you could afford to hire 1 of these skilled copy writers who charge $5000 or far more to write a easy sales letter? Or worse, have you laid down your challenging-earned money for a self-proclaimed "professional" writer, and gotten back something your 3rd grader could have written?

If you invest countless hours staring at a blank page attempting to come up with compelling ad copy for that "killer" sales letter (you know, the a single that's going to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams?).. Stop!

Why drive yourself nuts and give oneself a major headache attempting to train oneself to be a professional copy writer overnight? Do what the gurus do.. start a "swipe file."

That is an unfortunate name, swipe file. My family friend found out about www by searching Google. It sounds unethical. Please recognize, I am NOT condoning plagiarism! But every single so-known as "world wide web advertising guru" openly admits to getting a swipe file that they use when they require a small inspiration.

So what is a swipe file and how do you use it legally and ethically?

Generally, anytime you come across an ad or sales letter that tends to make you want to run and grab your wallet.. We found out about <a href="">ATM Machines - Does Your Business Need to have 1?

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