The Dell Corporation - A Technician's Review

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 00:20, 30. svibnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Evan723 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

The Dell computer has become a fixture in enterprises all over the world. From the times when they were constructed in a college dorm space, to the mass production of today, Dell is one of the most successful computer companies.

I act as a computer technician in-a large organization that supports very nearly 5000 end-users. Our day to day tasks may become overwhelming at times. Especially when our system goes down or among our computers dies.

One thing we do not have to concern yourself with is hardware problems. The majority of our PCs are from Dell, the newer ones being the Optiplex GX620. When we've an equipment failure in a Dell equipment, we just login to their website, send a form, and the very next day our part comes. We can do our warranty replacements without also rent dell computers support being forced to speak to a customer service representative on the phone.

Employed in a corporate environment that requires near 100% uptime, produces the necessity for support like that of Dell. The less time we (professionals) can spend worrying about monitoring a piece of equipment, in transit, the more we can concentrate on our job accessible. I guess I am partial, a little, because of the service that we do get from Dell. But there is nothing easier to a technician than easily obtainable hardware alternatives.

We also deal once and a little while with IBM (Lenovo). I cant say that I'm as thinking about their service. Every time we've to replace a part within an IBM device, they want to send a technician. After all, most of us are only as certified (or maybe even moreso) than these technicians, this is annoying.

Regardless of who you and your company cope with, be sure that you when you bring a brand new merchant onboard, you take a good look at their support ser-vices. The support you have the easier the professionals job is going to be.

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