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Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet

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Seminar za numeričku matematiku i znan. računanje

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Seminar:Seminar za numeričku matematiku i znan. računanje
Naziv predavanja:Some Eigenvalue and Singular Value Inequalities
Predavač:Fuzhen Zhang, Nova Southeastern University, SAD
Vrijeme: 20.05.2024 13:00
Tip: Gost seminara
Opis:Eigenvalue and singular value inequalities are fundamental results in linear algebra and matrix theory. They have various applications in mathematics as well as in applied fields like control theory, signal processing, quantum mechanics, and optimization.
Given two square matrices of the same order, we consider the eigenvalues and singular values of the sum and product of the matrices. For example, what can be said about the sum of the largest and smallest eigenvalues of the product of two positive semidefinite matrices? This talk reviews some eigenvalue and singular value inequalities recently obtained via minimax principles. In particular, we present singular value inequalities of log-majorization type.
This is a joint work with Bo-Yan Xi.