Datum |
Pred. |
Predavač |
Naslov |
29.1.2025 17:30 |
005 |
Lori Alvin, Furman University |
Shadowing in Countable State Shifts over Compact Alphabets |
6.11.2024 17:30 |
005 |
Barbara Bošnjak, PMF-MO |
Teorija reprezentacija p-adskih grupa u Langlandsovom programu |
9.10.2024 17:30 |
005 |
Sonja Štimac, PMF-MO |
Hipoteza o odstranjivanju i klasifikacija Henonovih kaotičnih atraktora |
28.2.2024 17:30 |
005 |
Martin Klimeš, Montreal, Canada |
Introduction to the Stokes phenomenon in meromorphic connections on Riemann surfaces |
20.12.2023 17:30 |
005 |
Ana Prlić, PMF-MO |
Alternativni dokaz klasifikacije unitarnih modula najveće težine |
22.11.2023 17:30 |
005 |
Boris Muha, PMF-MO |
Problemi interakcija fluida i struktura: modeliranje, analiza i numerika |
25.10.2023 17:30 |
005 |
Saša Zorc, UVA Darden School of Business |
Sequential Search and Optimal Stopping |
7.6.2023 17:30 |
A00 |
Hrvoje Planinić, PMF-MO |
Extremes of dependent heavy-tailed time series |
31.5.2023 17:30 |
A00 |
Denis Karl Sunko, PMF-FO |
Algebraic Geometry of Many Particles |
22.3.2023 17:30 |
005 |
Matko Ljulj, PMF-MO |
Lower dimensional models in elasticity |
19.1.2023 17:30 |
004 |
Gábor Lugosi, Department of Economics, UPF, Spain |
Problems in network archaeology: root finding and broadcasting |
7.12.2022 17:30 |
vir |
Jessie Diana Pontigo Herrera, Instituto de Matématicas, UNAM, Mexico |
Iterated integrals in the infinitesimal versions of Hilbert's 16th problem and Poincaré's center-focus problem |
23.11.2022 17:30 |
005 |
Nina Kamčev, PMF-MO |
Turán-type problems for hypergraphs |
4.5.2022 17:30 |
vir |
Sven Möller, Universität Hamburg |
On the Classification of Holomorphic Vertex Operator Algebras of Central Charge 24 |
6.4.2022 17:30 |
005 |
Domagoj Vrgoč, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and IMFD Chile |
Graph Databases: From Theory to Practice |
9.3.2022 17:30 |
005 |
Ilya Kossovskyi, Masaryk University, Brno |
Applications of the Multisummability theory in Complex Analysis |
16.2.2022 17:30 |
005 |
Mladen Victor Wickerhauser, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri |
Arbitrage and Convexity in Discrete Financial Models |
15.12.2021 17:30 |
vir |
Armengol Gasull, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) |
Discrete and continuous dynamical Parrondo paradoxes |
17.11.2021 18:30 |
vir |
Danijel Krizmanić, University of Rijeka |
Functional limit theorems for linear processes |
20.10.2021 17:30 |
vir |
Tvrtko Tadić, Microsoft, Redmond (UW, Seattle) |
Particle Moving Model and the Stochastic Fixed Point Equation |
12.5.2021 17:30 |
vir |
Erna Begović Kovač, FKIT, University of Zagreb |
Convergence of the block Jacobi methods |
14.4.2021 17:30 |
vir |
Olga Lukina, University of Vienna |
Interval exchange transformations and flows on surfaces of infinite genus |
17.3.2021 17:30 |
vir |
Martina Bukač, University of Notre Dame |
Numerical methods for fluid-structure interaction problems with applications to hemodynamics |
24.2.2021 17:30 |
vir |
Snježana Lubura Strunjak, PMF-MO |
Stable convergence in law and local asymptotic mixed normality of AMLE of drift parameters in diffusion model |
27.1.2021 17:30 |
vir |
Dražen Adamović, PMF-MO |
On recent realizations of affine vertex algebras and their applications |
11.11.2020 17:30 |
vir |
Tomislav Berić, PMF-MO |
Besselian systems of integer translates |
4.11.2020 17:30 |
vir |
Renato Huzak, Hasselt University, Belgium |
Slow-fast systems in dimension 2 and 3 |
28.10.2020 17:30 |
vir |
Pavao Mardešić, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon |
The tennis racket effect and Abelian integrals |
8.7.2020 17:30 |
vir |
Steffen Winter, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Stochastics |
Geometric functionals of fractal percolation |
24.6.2020 17:30 |
vir |
Vanja Wagner, PMF-MO |
Nonlocal quadratic forms with domain reduction |
17.6.2020 17:30 |
vir |
Daniel Panazzolo, Université de Haute-Alsace |
Resolution of singularities for differential operators in dimension two |
11.3.2020 17:00 |
005 |
Jan P. Boroński, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków |
Beyond 0 and ∞: On the Barge entropy conjecture |
19.2.2020 17:00 |
005 |
Sebastian Schwarzacher, Charles University, Prague |
Analysis for the interaction between fluids and solids |
22.1.2020 17:00 |
005 |
Rudi Mrazović, PMF-MO |
Asimptotika za Hall-Paigeovu hipotezu |
11.12.2019 17:00 |
005 |
Mirko Primc, PMF-MO |
Novi kombinatorni identiteti vezani za afine Liejeve algebre |
23.10.2019 17:00 |
005 |
Jakub Konieczny, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Automatic sequences, nilsystems, and higher order Fourier analysis |
11.9.2019 17:00 |
005 |
Marek Ptak, Krakow |
On the commutants and reflexivity of weighted shifts on directed trees |
12.6.2019 17:00 |
005 |
Justin Webster, University of Maryland |
To Flutter or Not: The Mathematical Theory of Aeroelasticity |
15.5.2019 17:00 |
005 |
Pavle Goldstein, PMF-MO |
Točnost iterativnog traženja motiva i klike u grafovima |
3.4.2019 17:00 |
005 |
Matej Mihelčić, PMF-MO |
Traženje redeskripcija |
20.3.2019 17:00 |
005 |
Nikola Sandric, PMF-MO |
Stohasticka stabilnost Markovljevih procesa |
6.3.2019 17:00 |
005 |
Fernanda Botelho, University of Memphis |
Results on Contractive and Bi-contractive Projections |
30.1.2019 17:00 |
005 |
Lajos Molnar, University of Szeged and Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Isometries and isomorphisms |
19.12.2018 17:00 |
005 |
Ekin Ozman, Bogazici University |
Modular Curves, Rational Points and Diophantine Equations |
7.11.2018 17:00 |
005 |
Goran Radunović, PMF-MO |
Kompleksne dimenzije i fraktalne zeta funkcije |
2.10.2018 17:00 |
005 |
Volker Mehrmann, TU Berlin |
Port-Hamiltonian systems. Modeling, Simulation and Control. |
12.9.2018 17:00 |
005 |
Krzysztof Burdzy, University of Washington |
On number of collisions of billiard balls |
23.5.2018 17:00 |
005 |
Marjeta Kramar Fijavž, Sveučilište u Ljubljani |
Operator semigroups approach to transport processes on metric graphs |
9.5.2018 17:00 |
005 |
Marko Horvat, MPI-SWS Kaiserslautern |
Uspjesi formalne verifikacije u standardizaciji sigurnosnih protokola |
18.4.2018 17:00 |
005 |
Fernando Soria, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid |
Integro-differential operators and nonlocal PDE |
14.3.2018 17:00 |
005 |
Marko Erceg, PMF-MO |
Friedrichsovi operatori kao dualni parovi |
5.12.2017 17:00 |
005 |
Anthony J. Scholl, University of Cambridge |
Special values of L-functions |
8.11.2017 17:00 |
005 |
Slaven Kozic, PMF-MO |
Feigin-Frenkelov teorem |
4.10.2017 17:00 |
005 |
Eugenio Hernandez, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid |
Wavelets: history, theory and application |
14.6.2017 17:00 |
005 |
Vedran Čačić, PMF-MO |
Univerzalni modeli u modalnim logikama |
31.5.2017 17:00 |
005 |
Loïc Teyssier, I.R.M.A., Université de Strasbourg |
Glocal dynamics : is every local system the trace of a global one? |
19.4.2017 17:00 |
005 |
Bernard Dacorogna, EPFL |
Differential inclusions, Baire category theorem and applications to isometric embedding and origami |
12.4.2017 17:00 |
005 |
Ivan Martinovic, University of Oxford |
System Security Research: Selected Topics on Authentication |
15.3.2017 17:00 |
005 |
Lavoslav Čaklović, PMF-MO |
Metoda potencijala kao model mišljenja |
25.1.2017 17:00 |
005 |
Maja Resman, PMF-MO |
Formalne normalne forme za Dulacove redove |
7.12.2016 17:00 |
005 |
Hrvoje Sikic, PMF-MO |
Stohastički model rasta leće u oku |
16.11.2016 17:00 |
005 |
Ivan Matic, Sveuciliste u Osijeku |
Relacija sačuvanja u lokalnoj theta-korespondenciji |
4.7.2016 17:00 |
005 |
Gerard Berry, College de France |
Logic at work : computer-assisted verification of circuits, programs and theorems |
29.6.2016 17:00 |
005 |
Ivan Tomasic, University of London |
Model Theory and Diophantine Geometry |
1.6.2016 17:00 |
005 |
Tomoyuki Arakawa, Kyoto University |
The Adamovic-Milas conjecture and application |
11.5.2016 17:00 |
005 |
Andrej Dujella, PMF-MO |
Racionalne Diofantove šestorke |
16.3.2016 17:00 |
005 |
Thomas Nikolaus, MPI Bonn |
Comparison of the Baum-Connes and the Farrel-Jones conjecture |
15.3.2016 17:00 |
005 |
Aner Shalev, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Groups and Probability |
17.2.2016 17:00 |
005 |
Panki Kim (Seoul National University) |
Estimates of Dirichlet heat kernel for symmetric Markov processes |
11.11.2015 17:00 |
005 |
Paolo Papi, Universita di Roma La Sapienza |
Covariants in the exterior algebra of a simple Lie algebra |
14.10.2015 17:00 |
005 |
Martin Lazar, Sveuciliste u Dubrovniku |
Greedy control |
30.9.2015 17:00 |
005 |
Ivan Veselić, TU Chemnitz |
Hadamard's three line theorem and Carleman estimates |
20.5.2015 17:00 |
005 |
Marcus Greferath Aalto University, Finland |
On Rings, Weights, Codes, and Isometries |
14.5.2015 17:00 |
A01 |
Sanja Konjik, University of Novi Sad |
Fractional generalizations of the wave equation |
26.3.2015 17:00 |
A00 |
Michel Lapidus, University of California, Riverside |
Can One hear the Shape of a Fractal Drum? |
4.3.2015 17:00 |
005 |
Christian Klingenberg, Institut fur Mathematik, Universitat Wurzburg |
The universe in a computer: how mathematical and numerical methods are essential |
14.1.2015 17:00 |
005 |
Neven Grbac, Odjel za matematiku, Rijeka |
Kohomologija aritmetickih grupa - veza izmedju automorfnih formi i geometrije |
17.12.2014 17:00 |
005 |
Zvonimir Bujanovic, PMF-MO |
Numericko rjesavanje matricnih jednadzbi velikih dimenzija |
22.10.2014 17:00 |
005 |
Oliver Dragičević (Sveučilište u Ljubljani) |
Bilinearna ulaganja i metoda toplinskog toka |
4.6.2014 17:00 |
005 |
Endre Süli, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford |
Existence of global weak solutions to Navier-Stokes-Fokker-Planck systems |
7.5.2014 17:00 |
005 |
Igor Velcic, FER |
Simultana homogenizacija i redukcija dimenzije u elasticnosti |
2.4.2014 17:00 |
005 |
Marko Tadic, PMF-MO |
Klasifikacije ireduciblnih unitarnih reprezentacija i reducibilnost |
19.3.2014 17:00 |
005 |
Rade Zivaljevic (Matematicki institut SANU, Beograd) |
Geometrijska kombinatorika i kvantitativna topologija |
19.2.2014 17:00 |
005 |
Pavle Pandzic, PMF-MO |
Diracovi operatori u teoriji reprezentacija |
11.12.2013 17:00 |
005 |
Moritz Kassmann, Bielefeld Universität |
Differential Operators of arbitrary order between zero and two |
13.11.2013 17:00 |
005 |
Drazen Adamovic, PMF-MO |
Verteks-algebre, W-algebre i njihove reprezentacije |
23.10.2013 17:00 |
005 |
Stephan Ehlen, TU Darmstadt |
CM values of regularized theta lifts |
18.9.2013 17:00 |
005 |
Joachim Schwermer, University of Vienna |
On arithmetically defined hyperbolic manifolds and their Betti numbers |
19.6.2013 17:00 |
005 |
James Lepowsky, Rutgers University, USA |
Braided tensor categories and extensions of vertex operator algebras |
13.6.2013 17:00 |
005 |
Heinz Engl, University of Vienna |
Industrial Mathematics and Nonlinear Inverse Problems |
15.5.2013 17:00 |
005 |
Hrvoje Šikić, PMF-MO |
Invarijantnost na rešetke i Shannonov teorem |
8.5.2013 17:00 |
005 |
Erez Lapid, Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Limits of spectra of locally symmetric spaces |
27.3.2013 17:00 |
005 |
Tin Perkov |
Modalna definabilnost |
30.1.2013 17:00 |
005 |
Ilja Gogić, PMF-MO |
Derivacije na C*-algebrama i lokalni multiplikatori |
23.1.2013 17:00 |
005 |
Martin Lazar, Sveučilište u Dubrovniku |
Paraboličke H-mjere -svojstva i primjene |
5.12.2012 17:00 |
005 |
Boris Muha, PMF-MO |
Interakcija fluida i elastične ljuske |
7.11.2012 17:00 |
005 |
Jean Philippe Rolin, Universite de Bourgogne |
An introduction to tame geometry |
24.10.2012 17:00 |
005 |
Enrique Zuazua, BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
& Ikerbasque Bilbao - Basque Country - Spain |
Optimal placement of sensors and actuators for waves |
13.6.2012 17:00 |
005 |
Nataša Krejić, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Novi Sad, Serbia |
A line search method with variable sample size |
30.5.2012 17:00 |
005 |
Leonard R. Rubin, University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA |
Universal Spaces in Cohomological Dimension Theory |
18.4.2012 17:00 |
005 |
Filip Najman, PMF-MO |
Eliptičke krivulje nad poljima algebarskih brojeva |
14.3.2012 17:00 |
005 |
Sonja Štimac, PMF-MO |
Kako je Ingramova hipoteza postala teorem |
13.3.2012 18:00 |
003 |
Ivan Veselić, Fakultaet fuer Mathematik, TU Chemnitz |
Scale-uniform quantitative unique continuation principle |
29.2.2012 17:00 |
005 |
Krešimir Burazin, Odjel za matematiku, Sveučilište J.J. Strossmayera, Osijek |
Friedrichsovi sustavi |
25.1.2012 17:00 |
005 |
Vjeko Kovač, PMF-MO |
Omeđenost multilinearnih singularnih integrala i primjene |
16.11.2011 17:00 |
005 |
Gergely Harcos, Alfred Renyi Insitute of Mathematics, Budapest |
Equidistribution on the modular surface and L-functions |
12.10.2011 17:00 |
005 |
Stevan Pilipović, University of Novi Sad |
Multidimensional Tauberian theorems for wavelet and regularizing transforms |
21.9.2011 17:00 |
005 |
Vladimir Guletski, University of Liverpool |
Two point principle in Bloch's conjecture |
1.6.2011 17:00 |
005 |
Josip Tambača, PMF-MO |
Matematičko modeliranje stentova |
20.4.2011 17:00 |
005 |
Pavao Mardešić, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, Francuska |
Tangencijalni problem centra |
6.4.2011 17:00 |
005 |
Marcy Barge, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Montana State University, USA |
Topological aspects of diffraction |
23.3.2011 17:00 |
005 |
Matija Kazalicki, PMF-MO |
Aritmetika modularnih formi na Fermatovim krivuljama |
9.2.2011 17:00 |
005 |
Panki Kim, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University and University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Dirichlet Heat kernel estimates for non-local operators |
26.1.2011 17:00 |
005 |
Zvonko Iljazović, PMF-MO, Sveučilište u Zagrebu |
Lanci i izračunljivost |
22.12.2010 17:00 |
005 |
Gordan Savin, University of Utah, USA |
Geometrija binarnih kvadratnih formi i generalizacije |
10.11.2010 17:00 |
005 |
Krešimir Veselić, Fernuniversitaet Hagen |
Koliko je pouzdan nehermitski spektar? Dva lica kvadraticne zadace vlastitih vrijednosti |
13.10.2010 17:00 |
005 |
Goran Muic, PMF-MO |
Konstrukcije, neponistavanja i baze modularnih formi |
1.9.2010 17:00 |
005 |
Petar Marković, Departman za matematiku i informatiku PMF Univerziteta u Novom Sadu |
Complexity of the Constraint Satisfaction Problem |
19.5.2010 17:00 |
005 |
Leonard R. Rubin, University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA |
The Paucity of Universal Spaces in Cohomological Dimension Theor |
7.4.2010 17:00 |
005 |
John McCarthy, Washington University |
Matrix monotone functions |
3.3.2010 17:00 |
005 |
Kyo Nishiyama |
Multiple flag varieties and spherical actions |
20.1.2010 17:00 |
005 |
Kalman Gyory |
Perfect powers in products with terms from arithmetic progression |
13.1.2010 17:00 |
005 |
Darko Mitrović |
H-mjere i primjena na nelinearne jednadžbe |
18.11.2009 17:00 |
005 |
Norman J.Wildberger |
Chromogeometry |
21.10.2009 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Zlatko Drmač, PMF-MO, Zagreb |
Računanje svojstvenih i singularnih vrijednosti u konačnoj aritmetici |
23.9.2009 17:00 |
005 |
Doc. dr. Rajna Rajić, Rudarsko-geološko-naftni fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb |
Karakterizacije jednakosti trokuta u pred-Hilbertovim C*-modulima |
17.6.2009 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Vladimir Dobrić, Dept. of Mathematics, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA |
Conditional expectations and martingales in the fractional Brownian field |
3.6.2009 17:00 |
005 |
Reader Mirna Džamonja, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK |
Veze i utjecaji teorije skupova na druga polja matemaatike |
27.5.2009 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Ninoslav Truhar, Odjel za matematiku, Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera, Osijek |
Optimizacija prigušenja u vibracijskim sistemima i srodni problemi |
13.5.2009 17:00 |
005 |
Doc. dr. Ozren Perše, PMF-MO, Zagreb |
Algebre verteks-operatora i konformna ulaganja |
6.5.2009 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Dijana Ilišević, PMF-MO, Zagreb |
Bicirkularni projektori |
22.4.2009 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Borka Jadrijević, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, Odjel za matematiku |
Indeksne jednadžbe za biciklička bikvadratna proširenja |
8.4.2009 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Dragan Jukić, Odjel za matematiku, Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera, Osijek |
Problem procjene parametara u Weibullovu modelu |
25.2.2009 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Mladen Victor Wickerhauser, Washington University in Saint Louis, USA |
Wavelets, sparse representations, and denoising |
10.12.2008 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Sanja Singer; Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb |
QR faktorizacija u nestandardnim skalarnim produktima |
3.12.2008 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Lajos Molnar, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary |
Preservers on quantum structures |
5.11.2008 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Wolfgang Soergel, Universitat Freiburg, Deutschland |
Tilting modules and modular representations |
22.10.2008 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Dražen Adamović, PMF-MO, Zagreb |
O kategorijama reprezentacija C_2 konačnih verteks-algebri |
9.7.2008 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Henk Bruin, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom |
Quadratic Julia sets, Hubbard trees and symbolic dynamics |
11.6.2008 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Gordana Matić, University of Georgia, Athens, USA |
Automorfizmi ploha i invarijante kontaktnih struktura na 3-mnogostrukostima |
28.5.2008 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Leonard R. Rubin, University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA |
Direct Systems and Extension theory |
16.4.2008 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Peter J. Lambert, Department of Economics, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA |
Positional equity and equal sacrifice: design principles for an EU-wide income tax |
2.4.2008 17:00 |
005 |
Dr. sc. Neven Grbac, Odsjek za matematiku Filozofskog fakulteta u Rijeci, Rijeka |
Rezidualni spektri reduktivnih grupa |
12.3.2008 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Edward N. Wilson, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA |
Generalized Shift Invariant Subspaces; Special Representations of Abelian Groups |
19.12.2007 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Goran Konjevod, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Computing and Informatics, Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering, Arizona State University, USA |
On-line Ramsey theory |
12.12.2007 17:00 |
005 |
Doc. dr. Luka Grubišić, PMF-MO, Zagreb |
Elementarna linearna algebra u nestandardnoj spektralnoj analizi |
14.11.2007 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. Morten Nielsen, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University, Denmark |
Sparse Representation of Data |
17.10.2007 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Jakša Cvitanić, Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology, USA |
Theory of optimal contracts in continuous-time models |
4.6.2007 17:00 |
005 |
Chi-Kwong Li, Department of Mathematics, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, USA |
A horse racing story in ancient China, two types of card games, three theorems in matrix theory, and a number of consequences |
18.4.2007 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Sibe Mardešić, professor emeritus, PMF-MO, Zagreb |
Standardna rezolventa Kartezijevog produkta kompakta i poliedra i primjena u teoriji oblika |
21.3.2007 17:00 |
005 |
Doc. dr. Siniša Slijepčević, PMF-MO, Zagreb |
O Erdosevoj hipotezi o aritmetičkim nizovima |
31.1.2007 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Ivica Gusić, FKIT, Zagreb |
Jednadžba f(x)=g(y) |
13.12.2006 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Darko Žubrinić, FER, Zagreb |
Vilim Feller (Zagreb 1906. -- New York 1970.) - u povodu stote obljetnice rođenja istaknutog hrvatsko-američkog matematičara |
29.11.2006 17:00 |
005 |
Dr. Marcela Hanzer, PMF-Matematicki odjel |
Unitarizabilnost dopustivih reprezentacija reduktivnih $p$-adskih grupa; metode i primjeri |
27.9.2006 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Leonard R. Rubin, University of Oklahoma, USA |
Two Difficult Problems in Extension Theory |
20.9.2006 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Andreas Zastrow, University of Gdansk, Poland |
On results obtained by the method of word sequences |
14.6.2006 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Antun Milas, University at Albany (SUNY), USA |
Automorfne forme i Liejeve algebre |
7.6.2006 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Brian Raines, Baylor University, USA |
Countable compact invariant sets |
24.5.2006 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Rene Schilling, Philipps-Universität Marburg |
On the (packing) dimension of the sample paths of a class of stochastic processes |
17.5.2006 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Vladimir Dobric, Lehigh University, USA |
Fractional Gaussian field and wavelets |
11.5.2006 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Stefan Schuster, Jena University |
Fundamentals and Applications of Metabolic Pathway Analysis |
3.5.2006 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Aleksandra Čižmešija, PMF- Matematički odjel |
O jednoj klasi integralnih operatora |
8.3.2006 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Boris Širola, PMF - Matematički odjel |
Lokalizacija, teorija reprezentacija i nekomutativna algebarska geometrija |
18.1.2006 17:00 |
005 |
Doc. dr. Ivan Tomašić, PMF- Matematički odjel |
Geometrija Frobeniusa |
30.11.2005 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Karlheinz Gröchenig, University of Vienna |
Time-Frequency Analysis: from wireless communication to abstract harmonic analysis |
23.11.2005 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Vesna Županović, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva |
Fraktalna analiza spiralnih trajektorija nekih dinamičkih sustava |
2.11.2005 17:00 |
005 |
Prof.dr. Clemens Heuberger, Graz University of Technology |
Counting signed binary digit expansions of minimal Hamming weight |
26.10.2005 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Daniel Kressner, PMF- Matematicki odjel |
Structured eigenvalue problems |
6.7.2005 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Dragan Miličić, University of Utah, USA |
Teorija reprezentacija i algebarska geometrija |
8.6.2005 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Kenneth Bromberg, University of Utah, USA |
Recent progress in Kleinian groups |
4.5.2005 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Branko Souček, Sveučilište u Zagrebu |
Novi matematički modeli za mozak i razum te utjecaj na računarstvo |
27.4.2005 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Zoran Vondraček, PMF-Matematički odjel |
Teorija potencijala procesa sa skokovima |
13.4.2005 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Mathieu Dutour, ENS, Paris and Hebrew University, Jerusalem |
Zigzags and Central circuits for 3- or 4-valent plane graphs and generalizations |
23.2.2005 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Ivan Veselić, Techische Universitat Chemnitz |
Kvantna mehanika neuređenog čvrstog stanja: fenomen lokalizacije |
15.12.2004 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Hrvoje Šikić, PMF - Matematički odjel |
Parsevalovi valići |
10.11.2004 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Zvonimir Janko, University of Heidelberg |
Rjesenje problema tri involucije |
27.10.2004 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Robert F. Tichy, Technische Universität Graz |
Algorithmic Solutions of Diophantine Equations |
26.5.2004 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Victor S. Adamchik, Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
On multiple gamma function and Stirling numbers |
5.5.2004 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Franc Forstneric, University of Ljubljana |
The uniformization problem for Stein manifolds |
21.4.2004 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Yann Bugeaud, Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg |
Exponential Diophantine equations |
7.4.2004 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Zvonimir Sikic, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje |
150 g. Riemannovog, 100 g. Lebesguevog i 50 g. Henstockovog integrala |
24.3.2004 17:00 |
005 |
Doc. dr. Lavoslav Čaklović; PMF-Matematički odjel |
Metoda potencijala u kontekstu višeatributnog odlučivanja |
17.3.2004 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Gordan Savin, University of Utah, USA |
Mersennovi prosti brojevi i duljina veriznog razlomka p\sqrt{3} |
10.3.2004 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Mervan Pašić; Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva |
Fraktalne dimenzije grafa neprekinutih rješenja nelinearnih diferencijalnih jednadžbi |
25.2.2004 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Clemens Fuchs, Technische Universitat Graz |
Diophantine Approximation: W.M. Schmidt's Subspace Theorem and Applications |
11.2.2004 17:00 |
005 |
Prof. dr. Zlatko Drmač; PMF-Matematicki odjel |
Spektralne dekompozicije matrice : numeričko računanje i primjene |
21.1.2004 17:00 |
005 |
Doc.dr. Ivica Nakić; PMF-Matematički odjel |
Vibracijski sustavi i njihova optimizacija |